Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Info Overload Undone

A couple of days ago a nasty storm came through. The TV satellite went out and I had to shut down my computer in case we lost power. Within five minutes I was having withdrawals and not quite sure what to do with myself despite the million and one projects that were screaming for my attention.

Over the years I have subscribed to more things on the interenet than I care to admit. Business, health, money, motivation plus countless other topics. My bookmark list for sites is as long as War and Peace. I've watched countless shows on decluttering, decorating, home improvements, etc. Yet you wouldn't know that I had access to all this info if you saw me and my house.

A couple of weeks ago I started unsubscribing to all of the newsletters, updates, coupon offers, etc. I am still unsubscribing (actually I am down to ones that are only sent out once a month or so). I thought that by freeing up the time spent on email, that I would would have more time to implement some of those ideas. I forgot one important thing - it would actually require me to do something other than sit in a chair and stare at a screen. Drats.

So I decided to combine my internet addiction with a way to(hopefully)keep myself accountable. We'll see if this works.

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